I've been using Avast! on my personal machine for a couple of years now, and even though I like being reminded that my Antivirus has been updated, there are times that I am focused on something and the sudden sound and popup reminder becomes a distraction.
Note: Instructions below are based on Avast! 7.
To disable sounds:
- Open Avast! by clicking on the Toolbar tray icon.
- Click on Settings near the top-right of the Avast! screen.
- On the left menu of the Basic Settings page, select Sounds and Uncheck Enable avast! sounds.
To disable update notifications:
- On the left menu of the Settings page, select Updates, Click on Details to show extra options, and uncheck Show notification box after automatic update.
To disable both sound and popup notifications ( Silent / Gaming Mode ):
- On the left menu, select Silent / Gaming Mode, Tick the checkbox for Silent / Gaming Mode.